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Universidade Federal do Ceará
ParGO – Paralelismo, Grafos e Otimização

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The group’s activities include:

  • training human resources for research, at undergraduate and graduate levels, through guidance for scientific initiation work, master’s dissertations and doctoral theses.
  • development of scientific research in the three areas that define the group, whose results are published in quality vehicles and recognized quality events.
  • promotion of a series of seminars where Pargeans and guests present the results of their research and new problems.
  • close collaboration, through financed projects or exchanges, with national and international groups with an excellent reputation in their area of ​​expertise, namely:
    • UFRJ’s Graphs, Algorithms and Optimization Group (COPPE and IM)
    • USP-SP Discrete Structures Group
    • Smart Grid Laboratory of the Instituto de Computação da UFF
    • COATI Project (INRIA & I3S (CNRS/Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis)), France
    • Laboratoire GSCOOP of the Université Joseph Fourier, in Grenoble, France
    • Operations Research Group at the Université de Avignon, in Avignon, France
    • OCAD team of Laboratoire d’Informatique de Paris-Nord/Paris 13, France
    • Team GraphComb of Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique/Paris 11, France
    • AlGCo team of Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier (LIRMM), France

History and achievements

ParGO was created in 1999 and, since then, it has been growing and asserting itself as a productive group committed to the quality of the results it generates, both in its research activities and in the training of personnel. The group’s integration and dynamics are largely the result of the daily coexistence of its participants in the research laboratory, reinforced by the seminar cycle. The dedication of this team has been recognized by agencies that promote scientific research, such as CNPq, CAPES, FINEP, FUNCAP, which have financed the group’s individual and collective projects, as well as renowned researchers from other national and international institutions, with the which we develop joint research and training projects. Among the multi-institutional projects, we can mention our participation, several times as coordinators, in projects EUROPAID/ALPHA, CAPES/STIC-AmSud, CAPES/COFECUB, CNPq/PRONEX, CNPq/PADCT, CNPq/Prosul, CNPq/INCT, FUNCAP/CNPq/INRIA, FUNCAP/PRONEM. The group participated in the National Institute of Science and Technology in Web Science (based at COPPE/UFRJ and PUC/RJ).

Recognition of ParGO’s work has also enabled us to organize excellent scientific events, namely:

  • International CIMPA School on Advanced Parallel Techniques and Applications (Christmas, 1999)
  • International CIMPA on Combinatorics and Algorithms and I Brazilian Symposium on Graphs, Algorithms and Combinatorics – GRACO (Fortaleza, 2001)
  • I Workshop on Combinatorics and Telecommunications  (Icapuí, Ceará, 2005)
  • 2nd Workshop on Graph Searching, Theory and Applications – GRASTA (Icapuí, Ceará, 2008)
  • I and II Franco-Brésilien Workshop of Graphes et Optimization Combinatoire – GCO 2012 (Icapuí, Ceará, 2012, 2016)
  • VIII Latin American Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization Symposium – LAGOS (Beberibe, Ceará, 2015)

These events, especially schools and workshops, provide a unique opportunity for both ParGO participants and members of other state groups working in the same or related fields to interact with internationally renowned researchers such as Abdel Lisser ( Université Paris paris Sud), Adrian Bondy (Université Lyon 1), Bruce Reed (McGill University), Gérard Cornuéjols (Carnegie Mellon University), Gérard Plateau (Université Paris 13), László Lovász (Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest, Hungary), Maria Chudnovsky (Columbia University), Michel Goemans (MIT), Paul Seymour (Princeton University), Vasek Chvátal (Concordia University), Willam Tutte (University of Waterloo), among others, who have taught courses, presented their latest research results, or discussed open problems.

All these activities and accomplishments have certainly served to consolidate ParGO. In particular, they feed a recurring practice in the group, which keeps it renewed and working at the frontier of knowledge in the areas where it operates, which is the constant incentive to participate in conferences and workshops, to interact with other researchers and to carry out internships in centers advanced search.

In addition to its own support, the group’s work also contributes to the growth of Computer Science in Ceará and in the country, as it generates relevant knowledge for the area, carefully forms new researchers and professionals in Computer Science, attracts

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